Co-Mingled Recycling

OGTEC has been your trusted partner in meeting the market demands for co-mingle mixed-materials recycling since 2015. As the recycling industry rapidly evolves, co-mingling recycling has become an important part of the recovery of recyclable materials such as plastics, metals, paper, and cardboard in one streamlined process. However, effectively processing these mixed materials to the high standards that are required involves knowledge, experience and the inclusion of advanced sorting technologies to achieve high purity and recovery rates. At OGTEC, we understand these industry challenges and are committed to delivering recycling solutions that meet the highest standards. We guarantee that our clients benefit from world-class recycling technology and reliable service, ensuring optimal performance and exceptional results.

Co-Mingled Recycling

OGTEC has been your trusted partner in meeting the market demands for co-mingle mixed-materials recycling since 2015. As the recycling industry rapidly evolves, co-mingling recycling has become an important part of the recovery of recyclable materials such as plastics, metals, paper, and cardboard in one streamlined process. However, effectively processing these mixed materials to the high standards that are required involves knowledge, experience and the inclusion of advanced sorting technologies to achieve high purity and recovery rates. At OGTEC, we understand these industry challenges and are committed to delivering recycling solutions that meet the highest standards. We guarantee that our clients benefit from world-class recycling technology and reliable service, ensuring optimal performance and exceptional results.

Co-Mingled Recycling Equipment

Here’s an overview of co-mingled recycling key equipment:


The Infeed System is a crucial component in the recycling process. It delivers the mixed recyclable materials into the sorting system, at a constant and consistent flow. This enables the equipment to process the material at maximum efficiency, prevent jams and maintain high production throughout the recycling facility.

OCC (Cardboard) Screen

The OCC screen is designed specifically to separate cardboard from other materials. Using a combination of rotating, elliptical; disks to move and agitate the material as it moves along the screen. The clean cardboard passes over the top of the screen while all other material falls through the screen.

Glass Breaker Screen

The glass breaker screen breaks and processes glass materials into smaller, manageable pieces. This screen uses high-wear optical disks to break the glass into minus 50 mm sizes. Once broken, the glass then passes through the screen and is separated from the other materials

Ballistic Separator Screen

The ballistic separator screen sorts materials based on their shape, size, and density. It combines agitating paddles with screen inclination to separate 2D and 3D material streams. The 2D flat materials, like paper and cardboard, go up the screen, and the 2D materials, like containers, go down the screen. Additionally, the screen also removes fine material from the stream.

Optical Sorter

The optical sorter uses near-infrared (NIR) technology to determine the material type( composition of the material). It detects the material type as it passes under the NIR sensor on a high-speed conveyor and then uses air to shoot the material into the correct sorting category. The optical sorter can be used for various types of plastics, paper, and other materials with high precision and improves the sorted materials’ purity.


Once all the various materials have been sorted back into their single commodity like paper, cardboard, steel, aluminum etc the material is then baled which makes the handling and transport of the material easier to manage Each commodity is a conveyed into the baler which compresses the material into solid bales of approximately 1100 x 1100 x 1100. Once baled the commodity can be stored, transported and sold to the market.

Eddy Current Separator

The eddy current separator is designed to remove non-ferrous metals, such as aluminum cans, from the recycling stream. It uses a magnetic field to repel the non-ferrous material as it passes over the head drum of the eddy-current conveyor. The non-ferrous material is ejected out of the material stream.


Used to remove ferrous metals (steel) from the recycling stream. Magnets are generally positioned over the container line once the containers have been separated from the other material (paper and cardboard). The magnet lifts and transfers the ferrous material out of the stream as it passes under the magnet.

How to Get Started

Please contact us to start discussions on your next project and let us help you make the correct decisions in co-mingled recycling.

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